Category art

Konst – 009 (Den Blå Delen)

The installation Konst 009 (Den blå delen) was shown in Älgelsberg Skupturpark during the summer 2023.

Process 002 (Rain / Sand)

For this installation [krig] has been looking at local fibres found in the surroundings of Blanca to see if it is possible to make thread to work with, introducing also non-natural elements  like the plastic bottles as its extensive presence… Continue Reading →

Vibrating landscapes and textile preparations

Inspired by local landscapes, [krig] are currently working on a project circling questions of prepper culture and its connection to textile craft, such as macrame and other textile techniques, as well as its relationship to local biotopes and vibrations generated… Continue Reading →

Process- 001 – (textila förbredelser) at Gävle Konstcentrum

[krig] shows the first part of their artwork “Process- 001 – (textila förbredelser)” – an investigation into textile techniques and prepping culture, as part of the exhibition “Kartritare” at Gävle Konstcentrum 2021.

Slagordsgeneratorn in Provins

The project “[krig]s Konstnärspolitiska Slagordsgenerator” has been reworked to analyze the current pandemic of Corvid 19, in an artistic view. This time the generator was filled with articles published in Swedish newspapers in mars 2020, discussing the situation of artists… Continue Reading →

Mackapär of imaginary spaces at Kulturcentrum!

During spring 2020 [krig] was invited to Kulturcentrum for a performance. The performance was filmed and published at Arbetarbladet.

A [meta] city tour of Sandviken

The [meta] City tour of Sandviken was made during a for day performance program at Topic in Geneva 2019. The performance is creating a collective imagination and tries to establish a bodily experience and a philosophical connection between two places…. Continue Reading →

The Mackapär for Imaginary Spaces

The Mackapär for Imaginary Spaces are a textile and musical structure intended as a starting point of a four day performance program at Topic, Geneva, 2019. The opening ceremony was made as a performance/concert, a social moment/ritual that created a… Continue Reading →

“Skogssorg” at Jädraås Folkets Hus

As a part of the organisation and development of a new project with Konstfrämjandet, [krig] and Peter Oijens organized an artistic residence in Jädraås, 4-10 July 2019. The exhibition at Folkets Hus shows ideas, sketches and artworks inspired by the… Continue Reading →

Sorgevisa från Lumsheden

During a residence in Lumsheden and Sundborn in Dalarna [krig] initiated an artistic process connected to the village Lumsheden. The performance explores imagery and identities connected to the region Dalarna by digging into Lumshedens history, a village located at the… Continue Reading →

Slaggsten och Trasor

“Slaggsten and Trasor” is a performance created in relation to three texts written and read by three women from Sandviken at different ages. The texts are about emotions and experiences from growing up, living and feeling in relation to living… Continue Reading →

Konst-008 (tygla vårt sätt att andas)

“Tygla vårt sätt att andas” (Control our way of breathing) is an audio-textile installation that examines relations and feelings connected to textile traditions and social order. It is also the starting point for a performative and collective process that will… Continue Reading →

Performance/lecture-walk based on David Kommer till Stan

Performance/lecture walk about the project “David Kommer till Stan!”. A walk through Sandviken based on Davids trip to Sandviken 2014. The perfromance/lecture was a part of “Forum för communityart och fredspedagogik” arranged by FoajeX and ABF, April 2018

Om en kommunal korridor (funk 005-006-007)

A installation in three parts situated in a municipal corridor at Sandviken Culture Centre. Between the three artworks in the corridor there is a possible creative communication created by sound. Making textiles often brings unwritten rules about “right and wrong”…. Continue Reading →

konst – 002 (speldosa – dub)

Speldosan is the starting point for an exploration of connecting craft and music with time, performance and activity. It is an interactive sculpture, and a time-based activity that will only unfold and exist when exhibited and activated in different ways…. Continue Reading →

Fiber – 002 (del 1 & 2)

The two installations tell about the cultivation of flax and the production of a useful fiber. Shown on Art Center in Gävle, 2016. One was placed inside the art gallery and one outside of Silvanum’s entrance. The two installations tell… Continue Reading →

Kom till byn!

The art project “Kom till byn” was carried out in three municipalities in Gävleborg in 2016. (Hofors, Ovanåker and Österfärnebo / Gysinge). The aim was to research dreams, expectations and local relations to the “centre – peripheral” discourse at these… Continue Reading →

Fiber – 001 (gästrikelin)

An artistic investigation of the process behind local flax production.The project aimed to create a bodily knowledge of the process and a understanding of both textile, cultivation and the history of flax. Flax is both celebrated and romanticised but also… Continue Reading →

[krigs] Slumpmässiga Slagordsgenerator

Performance/event at KLYS’s Conference at Gävle Consert Hall. The performance generated badges with randomly composed slogans about terms and conditions for artists and their production. All perticipants at the conference were invited to make their own badge. The ministre of… Continue Reading →

passage – 001

The six-minute sound piece is based on a multichannel recording of sounds produced on and around passenger ferry line 85 in central Stockholm. The recordings are formed into a coherent soundscape, and are programmed to converge and harmonize as the… Continue Reading →

konst – 003 (strategi)

An electronic macrame tapestry created around the concept of camouflage. Camouflage is a strategy. An attack or a defence created by a relation to your surroundings, conscious or unconscious strategies to reach certain goals. You don’t need to be a… Continue Reading →


This project started when David was invited to visit Sandviken by [krig]. At the same time, [krig] asked the citizens of Sandviken what they would like David to see during his journey. Posters announced Davids arrival in the city, and… Continue Reading →

konst – 001 (backdrop)

We imagined our selves wandering among tall structures. A forest or a city? During night or day? The trees are arranged in a line with a video projection faced towards them. The video shows an solar eclipse repeating itself endlessly…. Continue Reading →


Installation and collaborative performance during two days. Arranged by [krig] together with David Palmberg. The musicians improvised a constant sound in the room, during two days. At the same time they were asked to build the space together with Karin,… Continue Reading →

Picnic-001 (slakthuset)

A performance of a five hour long picnic inside a old slaughterhouse. The textile , projection and music was made specifically for the space and meant to merge the experience of the place and the activity together. The pice could… Continue Reading →

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