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Om en kommunal korridor (funk 005-006-007)

A installation in three parts situated in a municipal corridor at Sandviken Culture Centre. Between the three artworks in the corridor there is a possible creative communication created by sound. Making textiles often brings unwritten rules about “right and wrong”…. Continue Reading →

Presentation of Kom Till Byn

konst – 002 (speldosa – dub)

Speldosan is the starting point for an exploration of connecting craft and music with time, performance and activity. It is an interactive sculpture, and a time-based activity that will only unfold and exist when exhibited and activated in different ways…. Continue Reading →

[krig] – The Future Sound of Sandviken LP

Kom Till Byn buss tour in Österfärnebo and Gysinge

An meta trip by buss featuring the artwork “Kom Till Byn!”. The trip went through the villages Österfärnebo and Gysinge in southern Gästrikland. During the trip, conversations and storys from the area were played in the speaker system. The conversations… Continue Reading →

Fiber – 002 (del 1 & 2)

The two installations tell about the cultivation of flax and the production of a useful fiber. Shown on Art Center in Gävle, 2016. One was placed inside the art gallery and one outside of Silvanum’s entrance. The two installations tell… Continue Reading →

Exhibition at Österängens Konsthall

[krig] – The kid from the fucking future – STALVERK#1011

Two new songs from Lo and [krig] picks up from where STALVERK#1010 ended. Fluid rhythm patterns, a dark tone and otherworldly edge. The second installment of Stalverk’s 1000-series of 12″es is finally out! The cover is hand crafted, and the… Continue Reading →

Kom till byn!

The art project “Kom till byn” was carried out in three municipalities in Gävleborg in 2016. (Hofors, Ovanåker and Österfärnebo / Gysinge). The aim was to research dreams, expectations and local relations to the “centre – peripheral” discourse at these… Continue Reading →

Live @ Fylkingen

Fiber – 001 (gästrikelin)

An artistic investigation of the process behind local flax production.The project aimed to create a bodily knowledge of the process and a understanding of both textile, cultivation and the history of flax. Flax is both celebrated and romanticised but also… Continue Reading →

[krig] – 07.04.918 – STALVERK1010

The first release in a new series, STALVERK1010 features one track each by Lo and [krig]. It is an artistic statement, made to present a new universe of sounds, rooms, beings and ideas. Side A focuses on a dense melancholic… Continue Reading →

Institutet för Samtida Klotter

The Initiative “Klotterinstitutet” (The Institute for Contemporary Scribbles in Gävleborg) studies, educates and researches the phenomenon of “klotter” (translated illegal graffiti/scribbles) in all its forms. A as art, as an action, as part of public space and as culture today…. Continue Reading →

Live @ Local Heroes

[krigs] Slumpmässiga Slagordsgenerator

Performance/event at KLYS’s Conference at Gävle Consert Hall. The performance generated badges with randomly composed slogans about terms and conditions for artists and their production. All perticipants at the conference were invited to make their own badge. The ministre of… Continue Reading →

Lo & [krig] – Final Conclusion: Lost Levels

A Conclusion, in logic, is a proposition concluded or inferred from the premises of an argument. If A and B have certain properties, C logically follows. If Socrates is a human and all humans are mortal, Socrates is mortal. A… Continue Reading →

Poster from Kom till Byn!

Lo & [krig] – Conclusions 4-6

con·clu·sion [kuhn-kloo-zhuhn] noun 1. the end or close; final part. 2. the last main division of a discourse, usually containing a summing up of the points and a statement of opinion or decisions reached. 3. a result, issue, or outcome;… Continue Reading →

passage – 001

The six-minute sound piece is based on a multichannel recording of sounds produced on and around passenger ferry line 85 in central Stockholm. The recordings are formed into a coherent soundscape, and are programmed to converge and harmonize as the… Continue Reading →

konst – 003 (strategi)

An electronic macrame tapestry created around the concept of camouflage. Camouflage is a strategy. An attack or a defence created by a relation to your surroundings, conscious or unconscious strategies to reach certain goals. You don’t need to be a… Continue Reading →

Lo & [krig] – The conclusion parts 1-3

A half hour live set in three parts recorded in may 2012 by Lo and [krig] in Stockholm Sweden. The music is a synergy of the rhythmic attack of [krig] and the atmospheric melancholy of Lo. Samples outline the themes… Continue Reading →


This project started when David was invited to visit Sandviken by [krig]. At the same time, [krig] asked the citizens of Sandviken what they would like David to see during his journey. Posters announced Davids arrival in the city, and… Continue Reading →

konst – 001 (backdrop)

We imagined our selves wandering among tall structures. A forest or a city? During night or day? The trees are arranged in a line with a video projection faced towards them. The video shows an solar eclipse repeating itself endlessly…. Continue Reading →

It’s alright [Sandviken]

Digital release at STÅLVERK Download and listen at :


Installation and collaborative performance during two days. Arranged by [krig] together with David Palmberg. The musicians improvised a constant sound in the room, during two days. At the same time they were asked to build the space together with Karin,… Continue Reading →

[krig] – Slaggstensmörker EP

Digital release at STÅLVERK Download and listen at :

[krig] at Vindöga11

Live performance at Vindöga music and art festival at Sandvikens Konsthall.The performance was connected to the piece “konst 001 – (backdrop).

Picnic-001 (slakthuset)

A performance of a five hour long picnic inside a old slaughterhouse. The textile , projection and music was made specifically for the space and meant to merge the experience of the place and the activity together. The pice could… Continue Reading →

[krig] – remixes

Digital release at STÅLVERK Download and listen at :

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